Captain's Log
Voyage 01/23
12 January 2023

Day 10 – The Penultimatum

“Hands to tacking stations. Hands to tacking stations”. Command Day was well and truly underway.

Writing todays Log is Captain Pat in the pink hat, Sailmaster Cam and Watch Officer Eliza. We’re excited to announce we’re officially salty sea dogs! Our very own el Capitan has deemed us fit for sail of the Brigantine Tall Ship. A big achievement for all was having 7 sails set concurrently, we reached a heaving speed of 6 knots!! (Kachow!)

Cam piped nice and early this morning at 0630 for wakey wakey with the familiar tune of the Nutbush. To get the blood pumping, we started early morning dance at midships. It was a rush to get the last of the Command Day tasks completed before we handed the ship back to Captain Adam Charlie Farley and his crafty staffies before 1000. Some of the tasks remaining included one big happy hour, the biggest cleaning event Young Endeavour has ever seen. The lower deck was made brand new, while the upper deck was scrubbed, canons polished, youthies dangerously had access to the fire hose for the gunwhales and duckboards.

We swiftly delegated tasks, with youth crew weaving ropes and lines to strategically hold the weight of our entire 24 person crew! (A quick estimate of 1.68 tonnes!! A big shoutout to our knot experts Rose and Lily). At 0800, it was time to raise the flags and commence morning brief. Youthies were still in control, and we heard wise words from our Captain Pat and daily schedule from our Sailmaster, as well as a speed round of trivia to get the minds ticking (just like the seconds until our Command Day would come to an end).

Our newly appointed Watch Officer, Eliza, took on the historian role for the day, blessing both staff and youth with an origin story of our Man-Overboard Dummy (and to some best ship mate) Oskar, giving insight into his mischief and clumsiness alike.

Down to the wire, everyone scurried. We had youthies climbing aloft gasketing square sails, putting together photo slideshows, some attempting a long-distance selfie with the Spirit of Tasmania, Instagram reels were being directed (@young_endeavour), while others tied knots to be judged, all before 1000. The fatigued youth crew handed back the helm and were commended for our efforts.

Staff swiftly docked and restocked the ships supplies and necessities once we hit Geelong. We anchored for the night, with our voyage end in sight. Within our watches we pondered our journey thus far. We spoke of goals and reminisced of memories and friendships made.

A big pizza party for our last night together, tied up with an end of voyage presentation including a slide show and poem (presented and curated by the ever-talented Lily, Erika and Charlotte). With fond memories in mind, the tired crew got ready for bed, a last night together to be remembered forever.

To finish off this last Captains log, we thought we would share a passage from Watch Leader Lily’s outstanding poem: “Our new friends from our time aboard will hopefully stay for life, and be there to support us whenever we’re in strife. So thanks to all for one great voyage, sailing on the high sea, we’ll forever be the voyage of 01 twenty twenty three”.


