Captain's Log
V01/25, Sydney to Eden
15 January 2025

Day 10 – Arrival

As the sun sets on our first voyage of 2025 we reflect on the previous 10 days of triumphs and tribulations.

The Amazing Youth Crew were challenged in a multitude of ways but they persevered and succeeded. Captain Harry and his rag tag crew of youthies managed to make safe passage all the way from Jervis Bay to Eden on time and intact. Most importantly the crew maintained a strong culture of respect and empathy for their fellow shipmates even when the times got tough. This Youth Crew succeeded in “Being Kind” to each other at all times.

We fired the cannons and manned the yards to display to the parents, loved ones and friends on the wharf that we arrive with cleared weapons and all of our manpower in the rigging! It was smiles and photos all round as the tall tales started as Youthies tried to explain the amazing experience this adventure was.

As for the crew, the Staffies enjoyed a restful evening, reminiscing on the highlights of the voyage. Voyage 02/25 is just around the corner but we will showcase this beautiful ship to the people of Eden at 1600 on the 14th before we set sail.

Thanks Youth Crew and Staffies for an amazing voyage – it was the very best way to start a new year!

Captain Leups Out +



37 06S / 149 56E


Weather: Overcast Wind: 10kn N-NE Temp: 26