Captain's Log
22 August 2006

Under way – Moreton Bay

After a fairly early start this morning it was time to sample one of the best sides of Young Endeavour – the food! Simon the cheffo provided a lovely breakfast to get our soon to be salty sea dogs off to a flying start this morning. After bending on our new Fisherman Staysail and conducting the all important safety briefs, Young Endeavour departed Bulimba Navy Wharf bound for sea and 10 days of fun in the sun (sun we hope!). During the pilotage out of the Brisbane River and Moreton Bay line handling and deck safety evolutions were conducted showing all Youth Crew ‘the ropes’. It has been a long day with lots to learn and take in but exciting none the less as this beautiful square rigger, with fore and aft sails set stretched her legs on nearing the top of Moreton Bay.


27° 52' South / 153° 10' East


N/ NNE'ly 15-18kts. Sea 1/2 meter. Partly cloudy skys