Transit to the Percy Island Group
Hi folks,Another spectacular day at sea! How good is my job! Once again the weather Gods have smiled upon us with near perfect weather, although they are being a bit stingy with the wind. Nevertheless for most of the day we had enough breeze to fill the sails and make a leisurely pace north. Command Day looms and the Youth Crew are busy honing their sailing and navigation skills.  To assist Paige (aka Salty) gave a brief on how not to run into things (see below), and I gave the Sail Theory lesson. We concluded with all the Youth Crew rotating through the bridge during Demo Tacks so I could talk them through the art of tacking this magnificent vessel…and we all know how much I love tacking (a source of constant amusement amongst the crew, but they are slowly coming around!).Overnight each watch will conduct an exercise called “Apples and Onionsâ€, where they provide each other with positive and constructive feedback from the journey so far. Then it will be into some last minute practice before Brett (Engineer) and I take them through Captain’s Setting and Furling tomorrow morning. We will be assessing their abilities to set and furl sails competently and safely – correcting and directing as necessary – an important milestone in preparation for Command Day.That’s it for now…fair winds all,Captain KennyHello all from Mo and Josh,Today we weighed anchor and set sail from the picturesque Great Keppel Island to continue our journey north.  We began the day with breakfast on deck consisting of eggs, bacon and sausages, enough to power us through a day of sailing. After an inspirational morning brief we were instructed in the art of nautical navigation, detailing the ‘rules of the road’ and conventions for operating around other ships and obstacles. Mainly everything gives way to tall ship ;). Following this Captain Kenny, in order to help us prepare for Command day, shared his knowledge of sail theory such as the effect of pressure systems on sails and how to harness them to propel the ship forward using a variety of wind directions. After some on deck entertainment from Ropies (where we all got thoroughly wet) we put this newfound skill set to use by performing demonstrational tacking drills prior to our looming Command day. Overall a productive day that brought us even closer together and towards our final destination.
Course:  350 true    Speed:  6 ktsWind:  ESE at 7 knots    Swell:  SE at 0.5 metres   Weather:   Fine