Captain's Log
22 May 2013

The final day…

Ahoy there Shipmates, Guv awoke the Youth Crew at 0630 with yet another hit from a forgotten era and everyone came up on deck for the last early morning activity. Guv had quite a treat in store for the Youthies with some Young Endeavour dance moves being revealed. After everyone had the blood flowing once more, they went below to have some breakfast, shower and sadly to pack their bags. It was however a happy Youth Crew that mustered on the port side of the bridge for the final time. With a final presentation from Ricko the Nav, Jordo the Salty Sea Dog and a quote from myself. The Youthies then went back down below to do a final clean of the ship in preparation for the next Youth Crew to join the ship in 4 days time. We weighed anchor at 0900 and started to make our way towards the marina and our final port of call. The Youth Crew manned the yards in the ancient ritual as a sign of peace and good intentions (see below for an explanation). We finally came alongside at 1000 to some very welcoming family and friends. Once the Youth crew were down from the yards there was a brief farewell ceremony and then we said goodbye to our new shipmates and friends and the Youth Crew of Voyage 08/2013 departed the ship for the final time. As I now walk the empty passage ways of the ship, there are no longer the echo’s of laughter and high jinks. The ship has lost an important part of what it is, it feels lonely without a Youth Crew to sail her. For the final time, live, let live and be merry CAPT Matt A journey is best measured in friends rather then miles. Tim Cahill The true reward of a journey of discovery is not the destination, but the realisation that you now look upon the world in a different way. Matthew Warren – That’s right it was an original for once Manning the Yards Back in the days of old when a sailing merchant ship entering port was a great occasion the people of a port used to come down to the quay and see what great delights and luxuries they might be able to acquire before they were all sold out (Just picture the boxing day sales). However not everyone was willing to go the long yards for a legitimate piece of eight and sometimes a pirate ship would sail into port all innocent like and then as the people came down to the quay they would roll out their cannons and threaten to shot the town up unless a ransom was paid. Towns folk being good at protecting what was theirs since back in the days of Kane and Able felt that some shore defences would prevent such an issue and as such they built shore batteries of guns to protect the harbour. They then made an approaching ship run out her guns and then send everyone that was not required to man the ship to bring her alongside aloft to man the rigging. Those left on deck would then fire off the guns to prove that they were empty. With all the gunners and idlers aloft there was no one to man the guns and the ship was then approved to enter the port. So on the last day of a voyage we have the Youth Crew man the yards and then as a final salute to our port of entry we fire off our cannons to symbolise the friendship and good intent of Young Endeavour.


23° 49' South / 151° 14' East


WInd: South East 3ktsÂ