Captain's Log
30 September 2001

The Big Day Out

Last night we made ground north past Bega and Ulladulla against a strong wind. Today we carried out setting and furling drills and the YC did very well at proving to themselves and me that they could set and furl sails safely and efficiently for their Command Day on Monday. Tonight the wind is rising and we have been looking at Jervis Bay all day as we have been tacking the ship back and forth in our attempt to get somewhere. The north wind and the strong current running south have conspired to make our job difficult.The YC are now thinking all about their Big Day Out when they take Command and will hold the elections tomorrow morning. Their final destination is to a secret location in Sydney Harbour on Tuesday arvo.No volunteers for the Youth Crew entry today but everyone is fit and well, keen to get stuck into Command Day and eager to reach Sydney.Stay tuned,Andrew Davis


35° 5' South / 151° 10'


Current situation at 1800: At sea off Jervis Bay. Wind northerly at 35 knots. Temp 16C.