Captain's Log
17 February 2011


Ahoy there everyone,Overnight the ship remained underway motor sailing into the Bass Strait under fore and aft sails on a close reach. Just after the sun crested the horizon Flinders Island was abaft our beam and the ship was paralleling the continental shelf on the 2000m depth contour. After a hearty breakfast below, all hands were again back on the upper deck with vigour for the morning brief then into happy hour.Prior to lunch Joel the Navigator presented his Navigation brief and proved to all that in fact the earth was not flat but round, the rest of the Staff Crew are still out on this theory noting that next he would be espousing that mermaids didn’t exist.Then Chef Snowy and his galley hands crafted a stunning buffet lunch ensuring that energy levels and morale were kept at a high level. After lunch Engineer Josh conducted round two of ‘rope races’ which saw the ‘non’ disappear from the non-competitive title as the watches gained confidence in the lay out and terminology of the ship in order to locate the various nominated items.Next Sail Master Taffy conducted a lesson on the Main Sail detailing the techniques for setting and brailing this sail. Then Watch Officer Kenny presented a Rules of the Road lecture, an important component of safely navigating the ship to avoid colliding with other vessels or running aground.To sustain the Youth Crew work rate and morale, Sensei Chef Snowy once again served up a truly inspirational meal with the help of his three apprentice master chefs (Youth Crew galley hands). To appease those souls whose equilibrium was still adjusting to the gentle caress of the sea, Snowy served his famous chocolate and peach sauce pudding after dinner to entice all.It has been another extremely busy and rewarding day for the Youth Crew. With a following sea conducive to a peaceful night sleep for all either side of a four hour bridge watch during which each watch will conduct a leadership and teamwork exercise. The intention is to remain at sea overnight making ground to the north east towards Gabo Island.Until tomorrow evening.Yours ayeCaptain Damien     


38°46's / 149°39'e


2300 at sea - Weather overcast, Wind SE 21 knots, Swell E 1.0 metre, Temperature 21 degrees, Barometer 1016 hpa