Captain's Log
28 October 2009

Surfing the Southern Ocean

Hi everyone,The cold front gave us an exciting ride today with 3 metre seas and swell with 30+ knots, surfing, raining and spray on the deck – made for good hard work all day but we didn\’t spill a drop of lunch. In fact we had a great afternoon tea thanks to Chad and his helpers Mary, Phoebe and Katie. They made a big apple pie for Shayne one of Watch Leaders – happy birthday!Shortened sail and motored into King George Sound at the entrance to Albany where we anchored at 11:00 pm. Tired Youth Crew sleeping through the night, except for some of the girls in the forward 12 berth who awoke suddenly wondering what was going on when we let go the anchor!Apologies for the late post of this log entry but we are currently exeriencing troubles with the satellite – technology!Until tomorrow …Dave J (Yak)Voyage Captain


35° 3' South / 117° 56' East


Wind - WNW at 30 knots offshore easing to 20 knots inshore. Barometer has bottomed-out at a good 1005 Hpa so expecting conditions to ease as the night goes on.