Captain's Log
8 July 2012

Sailing into 1770 in CAPT Cooks footsteps

Ahoy There, What a night we have had. There has been just enough wind to sail most of the night. We started off with a good press of squares and fore and aft sails on a reach but after we tacked at midnight we were forced to clew up the square sails as the wind backed to the South East. We continued to make good time until 0408 when the wind died and we were forced to come up on engines for an hour. Luckily the wind returned and we could shut down the engines once more and sail into yet another beautiful sunrise. Its strange the effect that a sunrise has on your day at sea, as you have been working for hours before to keep the ship sailing and heading in the right direction, it’s a gift or a reward for a job well done and sets the tempo for the day yet to be. We started the days events early this morning with the watches cycling through Captains setting and furling. This is my chance to check that all the watches are safe in their procedures for sail handling and to ensure that nothing will go wrong on command day. All the watches performed to a satisfactory standard and have been deemed safe to conduct the sail handling on deck with minimal supervision from the Watch Leaders. We conducted a few tacks as we continued to beat our way to our anchorage at 1770 and it is obvious that this Youth Crew have really come together now as a crew and are working really well as a team. The second half of the sail theory/astro navigation split took place just before lunch. There seem to be a few light bulbs coming on in regards to sail theory and we had a few of the keen young navigators swinging the sextant to attempt to get a sun sight. We came to anchor just to the North of 1770 (The second place CAPT Cook landed on mainland Australia in 1770) during lunch. The Youth Crew were then sent ashore for some shore leave to enjoy a little bit of civilisation and have a latte or two. Once the last Youth Crew member was back onboard I gave a presentation on Command Day and how the process normally works. Everyone was quite keen to get into the voting process but we gave them a bit of a chance to have a chat to the Staff Crew members in those positions so they could get a fuller understanding of the role. There was also another amazing Teak Deck BBQ just on sunset to enjoy before the politics could destroy the moment. After everyone had had their fill of dinner the elections took place with a very strong command team chosen. We plan to remain at anchor overnight and the Youth Crew were stood down from any formal activities so they could get some rest for the big day tomorrow. However an impromptu dance party seems to have sprung up with a lot of the Youties living up to their name and enjoying being young and free. Tim the Sail Master even had the chance to demonstrate his Running Man dance technique. Until tomorrow, requiem facile CAPT Matt If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favourable Seneca There is nothing – absolutely nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing around in boats Kenneth Graham   Dear Mum and Dad, “when the winds don’t prevail, take to the oars!” Kyle ‘Richo’ Richardson Hi Mum! Just letting you know that this fine sailing ship doesn’t have anything big enough to fit my 10 weetbix in.. so stock up on the weetbix for when I get home. Shouting out to Daddy and Willow too! Keeping this ship hostile and mad hecktic as possible LOVE LIXY #787 Hey peoples! Having a fantastic time aboard this amazing ship, loving every minute of it! The awesome Crew make this trip even more so epic, and will remember this every day of my life. Tassie for the WIN! ~ Sarah H P.s Lix you should stop eating! P: Hi to anyone that is following our journey! Just letting you all know that I’m having an absolute blast, way more than I ever expected! The sun is shining, the water is clear, the dolphins are following us, and I’ll see you all soon! – Cristy Hi Gunnedah basketball team. It’s Joe hope you guys get a win tonight, first game of the season and all. Have a great time can’t wait to play. I’m having lots of fun I’ve been swimming, sailing and eating ice cream. GO GUNNY WOOP WOOP. ~ Joe


24° 8' South / 151° 52' East


Wind: Nil (again!)Swell: Nil (I dont know who called them swells, there is nothing swell about them...)Temp: 19 Degrees