Sailing, Full and Bye, off Sydney

Sailing, Full and Bye, off Sydney

Ahoy Shipmates,At present we are sailing in a fresh nor’ easterly off Sydney, where we will be arriving tomorrow for a breif rehearsal of the Australa Day ceremony as part of our preparations for our national Day.During the day today we finshed off our preparations for Command Day on Thursday, with demonstration tacks, where everyone goes to the bridge while we tack the ship to see how it all works.To tell you about her experience of the last 24 hours, here is YC Ash:Yesterday we anchored in Pittwater and went ashore for swimming and sporting activities. There we discovered goannas and lots of jelly fish. Later during the evening we had a movie session, popcorn and all, learning of the adventures of the legendry Erving Johnston. The most daring of all salty seamen entertained us with fantastic black and white footage of rough, tough sea journeys. His footage and running commentary a continual reminder of the situations that take us out of our commfort zone and challenge us. Hour watches followed and we awoke to a smokey surround, due to near by fires. Even though we were surrounded by beautiful bushland and tiny beaches, our journey had to continue. We pulled in the anchor and sung the national anthem to Working Class Man” and set sail once again


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