Sailing, Bass Strait, Enroute to King Island

Ahoy Me Hearties,Well, Voyage 05/06 has gotten off to a great start! We departedGeelong late yesterday and after fond farewells to family and friendswe left Corio Bay and got to anchor at Rosebud at 2100. On the way wewe got to know each other, did our first safety lectures and shiptours. After Speedy’s excellent dinner we had the Captain’s and XO’sintroductions and went for aour first climb. Later in the evening wecompleted the second climb to the T’Gallant – 30 m off thewater: awesome.This morning we started at 0630 with early morning activity, andafter breakfast we had our first morning brief before getting intocleaning stations and some safety lectures. We weighed anchor at1000, and departed Port Philip Bay via the rip just before lunch.This afternoon we have conmpleted deck safety and setting and furlingdrills, and soon we will learn to tack the ship as a crew. Tomorrow we will go alongside at Grassy Harbour on King Island, wherewe hope to take a tour of the Island. Until tomorrow shipmates,Yours Aye,Chris Chris GallowayLCDR, RANCO STS YOUNG ENDEAVOUR
The weather is fine with a light south easterly wind blowing us alongour track at 5kts with all fore and aft sails set.
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