Row Row Row Your Boat
This morning at 0600 23 year old Robert Heavener from Coogee in NSW took command as Captain. His team’s mission – to claim a part of the Island for the youth of Australia, then sail from the anchorage at Horseshoe Bay around the island to the assistance of a fishing vessel more than 20 miles upwind. Once there to proceed back downwind to an anchorage near the entrance to Townsville Harbour. Tonight is Rob’s night so his story so far follows…Stay tuned for details of how the night unfolds. Yours (in the safe hands of Australia’s youth)Matthew RoweYouth Crew Captain’s Entry for 1 May 2001The task set for our team has several components, and as I write, we have successfully completed many of them. The day began with a dawn raid on Horseshoe Bay, where our manually powered beach attack team (Kirsten, Caroline, Jim and Chris) encouraged locals on the beach to sing the national anthem to the tune of ‘Row Row Row Your Boat’. They didn’t seem too surprised, so we were left wondering what the locals of Magnetic Island usually get up to on a Tuesday morning. We then pulled in the anchor and headed out to sea to rescue the target vessel, which we imagined to be a yacht with a crew of Canadian pole-vaulters (maybe we have been on here too long). Throughout the day our youth crew has managed to run the Young Endeavour independent of the staff. We have been making ground despite the wind coming from the very direction we want to sail. We have also made a few unscheduled turns and tacks through the wind but this is to ensure an even tan. We expect to rendezvous with the vessel in the next couple of hours and reach the new anchorage by 6am. As a group we have come together, above and below deck, to find the best solutions to each challenge that faces us, and I am very proud to lead such a dedicated group.Rob Heavener
Captain's Log for 1 May 01Situation at 1800: Conducting Youth Crew Command Day in Cleveland and Cape Bowling Green Bays. Wind 100/15kts. Temp 25C.