Captain's Log
1 May 2012


Ahoy there everyone, Welcome to day two of the voyage. Following a well deserved and much needed good night’s rest the Youth Crew awoke at 0630 to a stunning Sydney morning accompanied by a cheerful tune from Sail Master Guv. After breakfast all hands mustered for the morning brief detailing the days activities and words of wisdom from various staff members,At 0900 the ship weighed anchor from Watsons Bay and commenced sailing around Port Jackson. During this period Captain Safety alias Watch Officer JB, presented a very comprehensive safety equipment presentation and demonstration ensuring the no matter what the situation the Youth Crew should find themselves in, that they would have the knowledge to overcome any adversity at sea.The Youth Crew under the guidance of their watch leaders, then spent the remainder of the day conducting line handling and deck safety, gaining the foundation skills required to work the sails safely during their adventure at sea as the ship continued around Port Jackson.At 1600 the ship exited Sydney Heads and entered the South Pacific Ocean encountering a 15 knot nor’ easterly and a one metre swell. The Youth Crew completed a magnificent dinner from Chef Squiz, and are now settling into their first night watches learning to helm the ship, adjust the sail plan and conduct engineering rounds (checks of the engine room compartment). The one metre swell is challenging various members of the Youth Crew with their equilibrium as they adjust to the motion of the ship.Young Endeavour is currently sailing along at four knots, making ground to the south east on a close reach port tack, with the intention of continuing our passage overnight to the south east.Until tomorrow evening, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Damien


34°14's / 151°31'e


2300 at sea - weather rain and lightning, wind E 10 knots, swell SE 1.0 metres, temperature 23 degrees, barometer 1016 hpa