Captain's Log
8 August 2002

Pods of Whales and Dolphins

Situation at 20:00- Overnight, the watches were busy setting and furling various sails and working aloft on the yards. All the activity made the time fly byand before long the sun was climbing over the horizon. Just as the morning brief was coming to an end, we were treated to an amazing display of Whales frolicking on the surface as the Ship quietly sailed by. A Pod of what looked to be Humpbacks were slapping the water with their Flukes and Fins and they seemed to be having aterrific time doing so. No sooner had the Whales disappeared astern when a Pod of Dolphins decided it was time to play under the Ship’s bow. It is hard to imagine how the day could get off to a better start.After morning tea, Captain John turned the Youth Crew into training aids for the sailing theory presentation. Each of YOUNG ENDEAVOUR’s sails was represented by a Youth Crew member as thebasics of sailing were explained. After lunch, the Ship closed the shore and anchored West of Double Island Point in Wide Bay. Because of the busy amount of four wheel drive traffic on the beach, the Youth Crew didn’t go ashore,instead, XO Paul led the first round of Rope Races followed by an exercise designed to promote effective communications. Supper tonight was a steak beach barbeque featuring steak, hamburgers, chops and all the trimmings.The Youth Crew have just finished their three-way talks and been briefed by Navigator Luke on how anchor watches are set up. Today has provided some spectacular scenery, and all hands are looking forward to a well deserved overnight rest at anchor.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR fact file: The T’Gallant Staysail and the Main Staysail are collectively known as The ‘tween mast staysails. They provide a large amount of drive (or speed) and are carried in winds up to 25 and 40 knots respectively.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Braces – lines secured to the yard arms used to brace (swing around) the yards in order to adjust the angle between the square sails and the wind. One brace is connected to each end (yard arm) of the three yards. Gaskets – short lengths of line used to secure sails that have been furled to their appropriate yard or mast.Thought of the day: Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of the rest or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression andresistance. Robert F KennedyYours, AyeJohn CowanEnd of day three, anchored in Wide Bay and very happy to be here.Of all the things gained or achieved in such a short time sleep has not been one of them. Heaving and checking lines and sails all day along with as much information that can possibly be crammed into such a small head space in such a small time can only led to one thing,exhaustion. However even this does not have a diminishing effect on the fun of the adventure so far or positive outlook of things to come.Anyone preparing for a voyage in YOUNG ENDEAVOUR should keep in mind a few points:1.Ensure all packing is done thoroughly and ahead of time, you cannot be too prepared2.Fear not the dreaded lurgy. I have been fortunate enough not to have succumbed to the rigours of sea sickness but those who have arewell into recovery and from all appearances no worse off.3.Blue watch are renowned for being the most highly motivated, talented and able watch ever to have set foot on the deck of the YOUNG ENDEAVOUR. To all subsequent blue watchers “you have some bigboots to fill””Alex”””


25° 55' South / 153° 8'


At anchor in Wide Bay