Pay the Piper
Situation at 20:00-Last night it was a very weary group who closed up on watch. The hectic pace of yesterday, along with standing watches overnight and discovering what being seasick is all about combined to provide the Youth Crew with a significant challenge to overcome. The good news is that all hands turned to on time and continued to developtheir sailing and teamwork skills throughout the night.At morning brief Salty Sea Dog Chooka entertained us with several more choice pieces of nautical lore from his repertoire.Engineer Rags managed to harvest a sizeable haul for his scran bag. All but one of the Youth Crew and several of the Staff Crew fellvictim to his prying eyes searching for gear left sculling. In order to reclaim their items they were forced to pay the piper andentertain Rags with a song.After happy hour and morning tea, Engineer Rags led the first set of Rope Races. The Blue watch took out the honours today and lead the competetion. Their were no other scheduled activities for the remainder of the forenoon. Those Youth Crew not on watch were able to recharge their batteries and catch up on missed sleep. There was onlyone activity scheduled for the afternoon. Navigator Luke unravelled the mysteries of his secret art and briefed the Youth Crew on the basics of navigation. They are now familiar with the secret handshake and other hallmarks of their sect that navigators deign to make known to us mear mortals from time to time. For duff, Chef Polly went allout and prepared a birthday cake in honour of Campbell’s 20th. All hands joined in to sing him happy birthday and wish him many happy returns.Shortly before sunset we raised the coast of King Island and will slowly close the shore overnight in preparation for arriving inGrassy Harbour tomorrow morning. Shifting winds and tides will likely require us to tack one or more times during the night watches so hopefully all hands are well rested after today’s light schedule.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Fact File: The Ship is equipped with a state- of-the-art Global Positioning System (GPS) that usessatellite technology to suppliment the traditional techniques used in celestrial and terrestrial navigation. The Ship’s Officers-of-the Watch are all trained in coastal and ocean navigation and CaptainJohn is a specialist Navigator.YOUNG ENDEAVOUR Glossary: Binnacle- The wooden platform that houses the Ship’s magnetic compass and its correctors andilluminating arrangements. Celestrial Navigation- The astronomical methods of position finding at sea, typically using a sextant or other instrument to measure the angular difference a heavenly body isabove the horizon in order to derive a line of position along which the Ship is located.Thought of the Day: It is the sin of the soul to force young people into opinions-indoctrination is of the devil-but it isculpable neglect not to impel young people into experiences. Kurt Hahn.Yours, AyeJohn CowanLCDR, RAN
At sea under six sails. Wind: South at 10 kts, Sea State:2, Temp:17c, Cloud:1/8