Captain's Log
V08/21 Airlie Beach to Cairns
16 July 2021

Nara Inlet to Sea

Good evening Shipmates,

The youth crew of V08 awoke to the startling, true blue sounds of John Williamson’s “Home Among the Gum Trees” (Emma’s pick) at a crisp 0630 for a few brisk laps around the deck. After a scrumptious English breakfast provided by the magnificent chef, Ads, the youth crew assembled on the deck for the flag ceremony, accompanied by the National Anthem and a strong enthusiasm for milking cows. Following an energetic dance/chant by Jemma and Reggie to announce ‘Happy Hour’, the youth crew got started on cleaning the boat. We admired our shining reflections in the Young Endeavour bell, and acclimatised to the routine that we would then maintain over the remainder of our voyage. First climbs proved to be a daunting task for some, and nothing short of exhilarating for others, as the climb aloft the foremast offered stunning views of the inlet, although no hammerheads shark were sighted (*sad face*). With the intermission of another excellent lunch, we departed on the RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat – playfully coined by the youth crew as the Rubber Ducky) for the mountainous shore to explore the indigenous cave artwork of the Ngara people. A majestic sea turtle was spotted by a few lucky souls. Upon our return, our wonderful watch leaders imparted their knowledge in setting and furling sails, with each watch practising their skills on the forestaysail, the topgallant staysail and the main staysail. Dinner proved to be yet another superb meal (shout out to the marinated lamb, the barramundi, the black forest gateau, lemon meringue and the icecream), and after assigning overnight watches to the crew, the STS Youth Endeavour raised the anchor and set sail for our new location on the reef! The youth crew is excited for their first watch tonight and for the banging food to come. 


Soph, Rhonda (Roger) and M’girl (Teegs)


20 11.0' S / 148 52.0' E


Wind: North westerly 5 knots, Sea and Swell: nil Weather: fine and clear, Temp: 24 deg C