Motor sailing, Bass Strait,
Ahoy Me Hearties,I spoke too soon about the Bass Strait weather – we are now motorsaiing in a 35-40 knot easterly wind, now heading for the shelter of Port Philip due to the high seas. Unfortunately we had to cancel the visit to Stanley in Tasmania because the anchorage is open to the east and to dangerous in this weather.And now a comment from Youth Crew Kylie:Hi all… so much to say and so little space but I’ll try and compress it… on our first night we were straight into it, climbing the ever famous mast which was awesome, such a rush and everyone was keen to help each other out in facing their fears which was great for team building. On day 2 the crew supported each other to get through the dreaded seasickness which is a killer but a vital part of the Young Endeavour experience and we all have now recovered and are back into our sailing of the rough Bass Straight. On a more personal note l’d like to say hi to my mum, dad and Daniel and that l am keeping well on the great food. Hi to Jean, Ali and Tracey l hope that you not missing me too much from the water aeorobics , and finally hi to the Yannadah crew, Elishia and Laur, missing all you guys heaps but loving where l am. Can’t wait to see you all and to fill you in on all the little details…Love Kylie XOXOUntil tomorrow,Yours Aye,Chris Chris GallowayLieutenant Commander, RAN
35 - 40 knot easterly