Captain's Log
12 March 2007

Long Nights

Ahoy ShipmatesThe morning started very early for the crew of YOUNG ENDEAVOUR with a requirement to tack the ship at 0001 and then again during the change-over of the middle and morning watches at 0345. All Youth Crew managed to drag themselves out of their bunks during these early hours, many bravely fighting through bouts of seasickness and successfully conduct both of these manoeuvres. Late morning saw the first set of rope races which was hotly contested between all three watches followed by a very informative lesson on the scientific art of navigation given by the ships navigator Sandon. Due to changing weather conditions the afternoon consisted of handing in and setting numerous sails so that we could maintain our required course.We have now passed through the Back Stairs Passage and are presently sailing south east across Encounter Bay under full sail. If we can maintain our current course and speed we should anchor just of the township of Robe by late tomorrow morning allowing everyone ashore for a well deserved leg stretch. Yours AyeCaptain Gav


35° 58' South / 138° 26' East


Sailing under full sail with moderate South Easterly winds, Course 130 Speed 7.2 Kts