Light Conditions

Hi Everyone, Overnight the wind moderated to less than 10kts so main engines were switched on and we motor sailed throughout the morning. By early afternoon the wind had freshened from the east and we were able to bring the ship hard onto the wind and continue to make good speed up the mid north coast. Given the improved weather conditions and with only a small number of Youth Crew suffering from seasickness Jazz the Navigator took the opportunity to conduct her informative and interactive Navigation presentation. By late afternoon we were located 10nm to the south east of Sugarloaf Point making slow progress due again to light and variable winds. Given these frustrating conditions we again had to utilise main engines and motorsail so that we can achieve our planned anchorage at Trial Bay (South West Rocks) by 1000 tomorrow morning. Overnight the Youth Crew will consolidate their newly acquired navigation and sailing skills.Highlights for Today:1. Most Youth Crew overcoming seasickness and now being able to enjoy Chef Jarod’s food2. First sighting of migrating Humpback Whale3. Watching dolphins enjoying themselves in the ships bow wave 4. Competing in the first set of Rope Races.Until tomorrow take care.Yours AyeCaptain Gav
Currently located 7nm to the east of Crowdy Head and experiencing light and variable NE winds with a 1m swell.
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