King Island
Hi Everyone,                    Welcome to day two of our voyage. Overnight the wind strengthened to 25-30kts which provided us with some good sailing and by sunrise this morning we were located 40nm to the ESE of King Island sailing close hauled in moderate to strong south westerly conditions.Being our first morning at sea the Youth Crew were introduced to morning brief which as usual was an entertaining affair with guest appearances from James the Navigator who gave us some interesting facts on Bass Strait and King Island and then Salty who enlightened us on some nautical words and their origins. ‘Happy Hour’ (Cleaning Stations) followed then the Youth Crew were given sometime with their Watch Leaders before heading to lunch.      Early this afternoon we conducted our first round of ‘Rope Races’ then Adam the Sail Master gave everyone a safety brief on climbing the mast. With this brief completed we headed directly to King Island’s picturesque Nine Mile Beach where we came safely to anchor at 1430.Once at anchor all of the Youth Crew undertook their first climb of Young Endeavours foremast with all successful in making it to the topgallant yard (highest yard) which was a major achievement for all. Dinner followed then we weighed anchor, brought the ship under fore and aft sail and in favourable SSW conditions rounded Cape Wickham (most northern point of King Island) and have now shaped a direct course for Portland where we hope to anchor late tomorrow evening.Overnight the Youth Crew will remain in sea watches and focus on deck safety and continue to consolidate their sail setting and furling drills.Until tomorrow evening, take care. Yours AyeCaptain Gav
The time is now 2130 and we are currently located 10nm to the NNW of Cape Wickham sailing close hauled under fore & aft sail in moderate 10-14kt SSW winds with a 1m SW swell. Our speed is 6kts and the temperature is 16 degrees.