Captain's Log
5 February 2001

Inspiring Role Model turns 34

During the night the wind veered to the SW, which allowed us to sail from the anchorage this morning and make considerable ground to the North throughout the day.On deck the day has been busy, initially with lots of sail handling and later with an exercise designed to prepare the YC for their upcoming Command Day. There was also time enough to watch ‘Around Cape Horn’, a great documentary about a seafaring legend Capt Irving Johnson, a ‘super seaman’ from the early years of last century’s days of the sail trade.Finally the wind has come around to the South, making the going a whole lot more comfortable and our progress much faster. So until next time, happy sailing.Matthew RoweYouth Crew Entry for 5 Feb 01:With our voyage being more than half over, we have had to deal with the thought of going home ��� a prospect hastily put aside by most, and with anticipation by others. We are making record time for this voyage, reaching at one time a speed of nine knots. See you all in a couple of days.The day started with the sailing from anchor and then the marking of 34 on the youth crew faces to celebrate the birthday of one of our most inspiring role models, Eddie. After being inspired by the ‘super seaman’ a climb was thought necessary for photos from the topgallant yard, but after only minutes of photo fun we retreated back to the safety of the deck, approximately ten storeys below. The YC are now growing closer and are preparing for command day by having a more leading role in the daily routine of sailing and maintaining the ship. The end is near and although only a short time has passed we dread the end of our voyage and the separation of our newly formed foster family. Cheers to everyone back home – Daniel and Will (Super Seamen).


36° 20' South / 150° 28'


Situation at 1800: At sea 12nm east of Montague Is making ground to the North. Temp 19C Wind SSE at 22 knots.