Captain's Log
8 December 2009

In Cook’s Footsteps

Good evening Shipmates,Having sailed overnight, YE arrived at the southern entrance of Albany Passage, a narrow deep passage between the mainland near Cape York and Albany Island, at 0700 (slack water) for the transit. Peak tidal flow currents in the passage can exceed 8 kts. The scenery was beautiful and spectacular and it was a very cool thing to do. There were a few campers on the banks and they were certainly treated to what could have only been a wonderful sight as the ship sailed silently by running under square sails.Once clear of Albany Passage, the ship passed Cape York, the northern most extremity of mainland Australia and entered into Endeavour Strait which separates Australia and the Thursday Island Group of islands. The sailing conditions by now were perfect with 20-25 kts of SE winds and rather than going to ���Happy Hour’ a series of rotational tacks were conducted to enable each of the YC watches to see what the other has been doing. To the regret of some, Happy Hour was only postponed rather than cancelled and after falling out from tacking stations the YC got stuck into making the ship all spick and span. The YC were called on deck to hand in sail as the ship sailed to anchor off Possession Island to the SW of Cape York. Captain Cook landed there and erected a cairn to proclaim possession of the East Coast of Australia for the Crown. From here Cook sailed to Batavia to properly repair his ship, the ‘Old’ Endeavour following his grounding on the Great Barrier Reef. It was pretty hot today and as such a fire hose was rigged on deck and the crew had a good time cooling off and having water battles. Dion had the last laugh with an especially prepared bucket of near frozen water for one of the YC. The boat was launched and the YC were ferried ashore and after a trek to the top of the island to enjoy the spectacular views, made it down to the monument that commemorated Cook’s ���possession’. Following in Cook’s footsteps has been a highlight thus far in the voyage and the significance has not been lost on the crew, myself included.Once back onboard all YC conducted a climb at sunset to both enjoy the moment but to also sea furl the square sails. After another great meal by Chad, the Staff as a special treat opened the ���Banana Split Bar’ which was very popular. Dion as sailing master and tour director then organised a game of disco bowls which was a lot of fun and nicely capped off a pretty special day. Tonight is also our first full night at anchor and I think there will be some serious sleep punched out tonight.Good night.Yours AyeCaptain Gunna


10° 43' South / 142° 23' East


At anchor Possession Island. Wind 090-10 kts, Temp 24C