Hole in the Wall

Good evening shipmates,Another ���wow’ day in the Young Endeavour and one I will never forget.We motorsailed throughout the night due to light winds and little changed during most of the day. Normally I hate having to use the engines but the additional speed enabled us to meet a slack water tidal window at Gugari Rip (or Hole in the Wall). It was touch and go whether we would make it in time but fortunately the wind gods smiled on us so that with both sails and motors driving the ship we made it on time.Gugari Rip is a very narrow passage about one nautical mile in length in the Wessel Group of Islands at Arnhem Land. Tidal streams can race through in excess of 12 kts and there is no room to turn around once committed. Young Endeavour has never transited Hole in the Wall before and not only did we complete the tricky transit, we did it entirely under sail. I had the engines ticking over, just in case��_., but they were never used. It really was stunning and also got the heart rate up a little. Once through we headed north and came to anchor in Jensen Bay in the Wessel Islands at 1830.Our late arrival meant that the BBQ dinner was a little delayed but the YC put that time to good use designing and constructing their device for protecting an egg from a fall of ten metres. This fun game also required a story to go with it. As such, after dinner the YC (split into three groups) commenced their displays. Two of the three eggs made it through unscathed and all acting that went along with the engineering design demonstration was brilliant. An eggcellent evening all round. Tomorrow morning we will proceed ashore for a look around. We had to seek special approval to land in this region and to the traditional owners we are very grateful. I’ll give you a full report tomorrow evening. One thought keeps coming back to me and that is the last time I was here 25 years ago, I came face to face with a crocodile. I wonder if he is still alive. I presume he would be much bigger now.Below is an entry by Ben (in his words)Cheerio. Chat tomorrow.Andrew ���Gunna’ RourkeCommanding OfficerBy BenHi Mum, and hi to everyone back home, this trip so far has just been amazing. I’ve done things here, and been to places I will probably never see again in my lifetime, in fact I���m sure I will not. A highlight has been dropping ashore this has happened now, on two different Islands, today we spotted land again after crossing the Carpentaria stretch of sea up North.We crossed though the ���Hole in the wall’ to come onto different waters. Nature here can be seen in all it’s splendour, if only I could capture the scenes, smells and everything in a bottle to take out during my lunch breaks back home, yet the memories will live forever- again a fantastic voyage, a real adventure, and it’s only the half way mark on this one. Remembering back to checking out about the Young Endeavour, reading random logs like this one I’m writing haha amazing. Anyone thinking about doing this stop putting it off, I almost missed out because of that attitude. This experience has taught me so much more. One example is, that I can spend a lot of time with people if I really want too, being introverted (keep to myself) I’ve found I do better at this than I previously believed. Happy 22nd Birthday for tomorrow bro, all the best Ryan.Jacq would also like to wish her gorgeous nephew Zeke Jayleigh a happy 6th birthday today.
At anchor Jensen Bay. Wind SE 10 kts, Temp 26C
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