Captain's Log
25 January 2002

Happy Birthday and a Great Job

Command Day is now complete and the YC did a great job of getting the ship from Dromana to Melbourne via Portarlington. Several tackstook place overnight thus the YC are quite tired today. However they did really well and bonded strongly as a team, thus achieving a greatresult. Port Melbourne never looked so good as we anchored here at 0630 hours this morning and a fantastic sunrise greeted us.After a short break and breakfast we held the debrief and several good points were raised examining what made this YC achieve what theydid. Then off to morning tea with a difference. Today is the ship’s 14th Birthday and to celebrate I asked the youngest and oldest YCmembers to cut the cake – then we devoured a yummy triple chocolate cake with all our names written around its base. Well done Polly -quack.We’ve been very busy today – sport on the beach, happy hour (cleaning), setiing sails, swimming, rust scrub, concert and maybe some sleep tonight.Tomorrow is a big day – it’s also the YC’s last day on board. This Australia Day we will invite the Premier of Victoria, Steve Bracks to start the Melbourne to Geelong Festival of Sail. Then after weighing anchor we will race the ”One and All” to Geelong. We hope to beat her again. We have a secret weapon – we’re faster.Stay tuned,Andrew Davis


37° 51' South / 144° 55'


Current situation at 1800: At anchor in Hobson's Bay, Port Melbourne. Temp 22C. Wind easterly at 12 knots.