Followed by Dolphins

Current situation at 1800: After a brief visit to Adelaide we are off and sailing again- Woooohoooo. Our new Youth Crew (YC) joined early so we got let go of lines early and we were sailing down the Port River and to sea ��� and the dolphins were following us.We’ve got off to a great start, the YC have eaten and they are climbing aloft as I type. The weather is great but the wind has yet to kick in. We will stay here tonight and get going in the morning. My champion team for this Voyage to Melbourne consists of: Aaron-XO, Jo Williams (Cairns TV Weather Girl) – Navigator, Mhandii ��� Boat Guru, Stewie (Stewie, Stewie, whoops) – Bosun and White Watch Leader, Chantal – Red WL, Wiggy – Blue WL, Rags – Engineer, Polly (���turn the wheel this way, Polly��) -Chef, Hirsty ‘CJ’-Assistant White WL.Stay tuned,Andrew Davis
At anchor Semaphore Anchorage. Wind-nil. Temp 23C
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