Flinders Island
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to day four of our voyage. The wet conditions and light winds that we experienced yesterday continued overnight which meant the use of main engines as we motor sailed north to Flinders Island.
By sunrise this morning we had crossed Banks Strait and were located 8nm to the east of Clark Island still motor sailing in very light conditions. During the day we conducted a Matt’s (BOATSO) ‘Rule of the Road’ presentation and had planned to do a set of rotational tacks but had to postpone this activity due to lack of wind.
The wind did freshen as forecast late this afternoon but by this time we were just about at the northern point of Flinders Island and were ready to enter the Sisters Passage and make our way to our planned anchorage at Blyth Bay. This took us a little longer than expected due to the very strong westerlies funnelling through the Sisters Passage which reduced our speed to 3kts. Finally at 2015 we came safely to anchor in Blyth Bay where we will remain overnight giving everyone the chance to get a good nights sleep.
Kindly volunteering to write tonight’s Captains Log is James from Blue Watch, please enjoy!
Until tomorrow, take care
Yours Aye
Captain Gav
Wishing my Dad ‘Max’ a very happy 84th Birthday! Hope you have a great day. Gav
Captains Log 25 Feb 2016
Hello everyone and welcome to Day 4 of our voyage!
Even as I’m sitting here we are passing through Sister Passage, situated between Flinders Island and the Outer Sister and Inner Sister Islands off the east coast of Tasmania. Good Evening, it’s 2030. My name is James, I am 22 years old and flew from Brisbane to Hobart to participate in a very special opportunity, that of being a crew member onboard the Young Endeavour. Upon boarding the 2 suitabilities and 24 youth crew, including myself, were assigned to 1 of 3 watches comprised of 8-9 people who, amongst other things, would take turns in the overnight running of a tall ship. 0700 this morning sounded the wake up call for those commencing the 0800-1200 watch as well as any others that wanted to make it to the 0830 closing of breakfast. Myself, and the rest of Blue Watch, were fed and on deck at 0745 for the hand over from White Watch. After the routine rounds were completed, the daily watch leader chosen, the helm manned, and the port and starboard watches assigned, we settled to in admired the beauty of the sea and some of that which she offered. After laying aloft to the lower upper deck of the foremast we witnessed an abundance of life ranging from all manner of birds to dolphins and seals. Everyday on board is similar and yet different, each contains much to learn and has its own challenges. I am really enjoying watching myself and all my new family, whom only 4 days I didn’t know, grow as we face new and challenging situations with the help and patience of the YE staff. You may think it funny when I say ‘family’, but let me tell you when you go through trying situations with a group of people whom you are in confined space with, you form a unique bond which can only nearest be described as ‘family’. Today for the first time myself and several other youth crew lay aloft to the top of the Young Endeavour’s mainmast, which is a feat not many Australians have the opportunity to learn. The food onboard is very satisfying, at every meal we are given an option of 2-3 fantastic choices, with as much as one could wish to eat. My compliments to the chef! We have learned about safety, navigation, sailing, anchorage and so much more. I am amazed at the amount we have all learned in the short space of 4 days and am eager with anticipation for what comes next.
Currently at anchor in Blyth Bay (Flinders Island) and experiencing stron WSW winds with a .5m swell. Current temperature is 16 degrees.