Final Day
Sailmaster Kyle got us up at 0600 to get us organised to embark our guests for the harbour cruise. We departed Balls Head Bay at 0900 and proceeded under the Sydney Harbour Bridge and into the eastern part of the harbour. Once past the Fleet Base at Garden Island we set some Stay sails and entered Rose Bay. After sailing around Shark Island we altered course to the west and the youth crew layed aloft for our passage under the bridge. They remained aloft while we conducted our ceremonial approach to the wharf at HMAS Waterhen, which included a firing of our saluting cannons.On arrival at the wharf we farewelled our cruise guests and welcomed family and friends onboard for the conclusion of the voyage. The Exective Director of the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme, Mr Steve Moss, helped me host the farewell ceremony. After we had presented the individual voyage completion certificates to the youth crew members, Steve presented the Young Endeavour Order of Australia Medallion for the voyage to Ryan Harland for, not only his personal achievements of his goals during the voyage, but also in the way he cared for his shipmates in helping them achieve their goals.We farewelled the crew of Voyage 07/17 at 1100 and commenced preparing for the next voyage commencing on Sunday 09 Apr 17.Until the next time.Yours Aye, Captain Mike
Wind light and variable, Weather fine, Swell nil, Temp 21 deg C