Final countdown
G\’day Shipmates,Having wrestled command back from Rory yesterday I\’m also back on line with the evening Captain\’s Log.Today – wow what a day. We weighed anchor early and motored into the Burnett River from our overnight anchorage. We anchored off the Port Bundaberg Marina in preparation for receiving our visitors for the Half Day Sail. About 30 students from the Bundaberg Special School were our primary guests and although there wasn\’t a lot of wind they had an absolute whale of a time. I was very proud of the YC who were tremendous hosts and ensured these children had the time of their lives. As all good things come to an end and we returned to harbour to drop our guests off shortly after lunch. The ship then anchored a little further upstream in the river and the final set of rope races were conducted. Red Watch came out on top. Harbour furls and end of voyage talks followed and then after dinner we were all treated to a slide show put together with photos from this voyage. It certainly brought back many happy memories. The YC are all still buzzing and I doubt too many will get a good nights sleep. I\’ll provide a quick update tomorrow to complete the Captain\’s log for the Voyage and announce the Order of Australia Medalion receipient.Captain Gunnacarpe\’ diem
At anchor Burnett River. Dead calm.