Favourable Conditions
Hi Everyone, Overnight the wind backed to the south west which meant that we could not maintain our planned track and had to shape a new course to the south east. By Sunrise on this morning we were located 10nm to the west of Cape Jubert sailing close hauled under a full press of fore and aft sails. Prior to morning brief we tacked ship and headed back out to sea in anticipation of the forecasted north westerly change. This change occurred at 1400 which enabled us to regain our planned navigation track and to continue to make good speed south. During the afternoon Adam the Navigator has been spending time with all of the watches teaching them the scientific art of navigation. Over the next few days all of the Youth Crew will be given the opportunity to practice these newly acquired navigation skills into practice by assisting the Ships Watch Officers with plotting the ships position whilst they are on watch.Overnight we will continue our passage south making the best use of the favourable conditions. Until tomorrow, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Gav
Currently experiencing moderate to strong W-NW winds with a 2m swell.