Captain's Log
V 07/17
27 March 2017

Embark Youth Crew and commence the Voyage

After the weekend in Eden we embarked the youth crew of V07/17 at our berth in Snug Cove at 1500. Once everyone was onboard we made some welcoming speeches and families had a quick tour of the Ship. At 1600 we departed the berth after some innovative ship handling which was required to exit our tight berth. As we departed the cove the youth crew playe some ‘Ice – Breaker’ games to get to know each other.We anchored the Ship in Quarantine Bay and then enjoyed the first of Chef Marcos’ delicious dinners. As Sailmaster Kyle and I were preparing to give the youthies a couple of briefs a Southerly Buster passed over us. The wind strength peaked at 40 Kn. Kyle and I just had time to give our briefs before the heavy following showers dumped on us.It is intended to remain in our current anchorage overnight, conduct first climbs to the Top Gallant yard in the morning and depart Twofold Bay to commence our passage northwards after lunch.Until tomorrow. Yours Aye, Captain Mike


37 04.9 S / 149 53.0 E


Wind - 230 / 13 Kn, Weather - overcast and showery, Swell - easterly 0.5 m, Temperature - 19 deg. C