Dunked through Random Waves

Command DayCommand day is one of the most challenging experiences on the Young Endeavour. For 24 hours command of the ship is handed over to the Youth Crew. The YC are given a list of tasks, each task having a point value assigned. With this in mind we set about deciding on the focus of our command day. It was agreed by all that we would go forthe highest number of points, but more importantly we would make command day memorable for how enjoyable it was by focusing on the FUN tasks.At 8:00 command was handed over to the YC. The morning brief got under way with a quick game of Simon Says. Our resident weather girlLaura informed us of what we should expect for the day, and our expert Nav team showed us the course planed for command day. Nautical Norrie told the tale of how the term ‘shake a leg’originated.It was then time to farewell the Beach Assault Team who rowed in to Noosa to round up some of the locals for a morning rendition of Advance Australia Fair. After cleaning stations and the return of theBAT crew we began to tackle some of the other tasks including the making our way to Caloundra.The sailing hasn’t been super successful but we have had a blast making a hammock big enough for the entire YC, getting 23 YC andstaff aloft simultaneously and hosting an ‘Italian Pirates’ themed dinner.Have fun. Always.Sean, CanberraDear Mum,Dad,Brett,Ben,Dez,the wilde Mexicans,all my boys and everyone else,I am having the best time. Highlights would be climbing to the topgallant yard and watching Dolphins play in our bow wave,eating,getting harnessed to the bowsprit as it dunks you through random waves, eating, watching Whales, oh and did I mention eating?all I seem to do is eat, Polly makes the food soooooo good. I got elected SUPER navagator,so we have to get to Brisbane by 0800 Tue morn, or Fiji, eitherway it will be great fun. I haven’t been seasick yet but plenty of others have. Anyhow love you all and wish you were here xxxxSuper nav Kel,Sale vicPS. Happy Bday to Jim Jim on Sunday xxx
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