Captain's Log
5 January 2024

Day 3 – Ahoy Freycinet!

Ahoy there landlubbers and armchair sailors, welcome to the Captain’s Log for Day 3! I was going to hand over the reins to the Youthies tonight but they’re aloft watching a beautiful sunset as we sail through Schouten Passage so you’ve got me!

Overnight the Youthies braved the cold during their 4 hour watches learning how to keep the ship safe. And, as the conditions eased during the night, many found a new lease of life despite the late (or early!) hour.

Charlotte then woke the ship at 0700 with the good news of breakfast on the line for the First and Morning watches, and a bit more of a sleep in for those who had the Middle (0001-0400). After breakky and showers it was time for our first Morning Brief at 0900. Here we met the full range of characters including: “The Plan for the Day” with Charlotte, the “Weather with Trevor” and, some nautical knowledge with the Saltiest Sea Dog of them all, Kyle!

With Morning Brief done it was time for the happiest hour of them all, Happy Hour! No not the kind with little umbrellas in drinks, the one where we clean the ship every day to make sure we stay happy and healthy all voyage.

Soon we were delighted to find ourselves going to anchor in the beautiful Coles Bay in Freycinet. Ash and her Master Chefs then served up a lunch as spectacular as the views to fuel us through the afternoon.

Afterwards the sea boat was launched and we all went ashore for a hike up to the Coles Bay and Wineglass Bay Lookouts. The views were fabulous and well worth the steep hike in the warm sunshine! On return to the shore there was also time for a quick dip in the crystal blue waters before returning to Young Endeavour.

By the time we got back, Ash was serving up another delicious dinner with too many fabulous options to choose from. The Staffies then weighed anchor and proceeded out to sea with our Youthies resuming their watches to keep up safe overnight.

Well friends, it’s been a great day but now it’s time for bed (and watches).
See you tomorrow! Captain Libby+


42 14.8'S / 148 29.8'E


Partly Cloudy, Wind NE 5-10Kts, Swell SE 0.5m