Captain's Log
2 February 2016

Day 9 – Command Day

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to day nine of our voyage. Well Command Day is well underway and our young mariners have already been challenged with some strong winds to contend with. During the 24hr Command Period they will have many tasks to complete and one of them is to write tonight and tomorrows Captains Log so please enjoy tonight’s edition that has been written by Blue Watch, enjoy!
Until tomorrow, take care
Yours Aye
Captain Gav


Hello readers,
Command day is finally upon us! Having been at anchor for the night at Kangaroo Island and only doing one hour watches (almost) everyone is well rested and ready for the new and exciting challenge ahead of us. In the morning the new leaders met with their counter part and learnt what their new position entitled. This is important because any damage caused to the $20 million ship will be coming out of Richards’s pocket, who is our new captain. At 1300hrs the Youth crew of v02/16 took over the ship and for the next 24 hr will be in charge. The old crew seem to be excited for their holiday, they showed this by wearing very fashionable Hawaiian shirts. We reformed our watches and learned our new tacking stations then after that was done we raised the anchor and headed off. The day continued with setting and furling the sails by the watches to make the best use of the wind. Those of us who were not on watch enjoyed our new found freedom reading, playing games and also, like always sleeping.
For dinner our new chefs cooked for us chicken wrapped in bacon, fried rice and ratatouille, followed by Mars Bar cheese cake. There are no signs of food poising yet but only time will tell as there is a high risk with Claudia, Tiffany and Maya as the chefs but we all have full confidence that this will not happen. Soon after the dinner we were called to tacking stations just as a pod of dolphins appeared with meant we were all thoroughly distracted for a bit before we began. If our navigator doesn’t manage to get us lost we should be anchoring somewhere close to Semaphore sometime tomorrow.
Signing off,
The new and improved blue watch.


35 13 S / 137 59 E


Currently sailing downwind under the topsail and course and experiencing strong - very strong 20-30kt SSW with a 1m SSW swell. Our current speed is 7kts and the temperature is 17 degrees.