Day 8 – Command Day Part 1…Farewell Broken Bay!

Ahoy shipmates…Cap K has been temporarily replaced…over to Captain Hoff.
———-Day 8 – Command day.
Today started early in the beautiful Broken Bay, the crew was treated with a tasty bacon and egg roll on the deck before the chaos begun. The happiest hour of the day followed before the elected crew moved into one on one chats with their staffy counterparts.
The handover took place at 10am and command day was officially underway. To celebrate the beginning of their day-long vacation, the staffies took a chilly plunge into the invigorating waters of Broken Bay.
Whilst the course was plotted by our wonderful navigator and voyage plan discussed with the captain and sails master, the youthies laid aloft on the foremast to untie the gaskets. After our final (qualified) chef prepared meal, the Young Endeavour set sail into the big blue yonder.
Unfortunately, sailing conditions have not been ideal, for much of the day. There has been a lack of wind which has seen the sails luffing for much of the afternoon and we have been running on engines in order to keep up speed so we can reach our waypoints and final destination before our 28 hours of command expires.
We are currently battling with the roll of a 3m swell which has seen plenty of rolling action – making life on deck a little more interesting. We’ve had plenty of dolphins, whales, terns and albatross to keep us company.
We are looking forward to seeing what our three wonderful chefs have in stall for us this evening, they have done incredibly well to power through below deck in the current swell. I believe that sea sickness has struck many of them this afternoon.
The youthy crew is getting prepared for an interesting night of watches in the current swell. There are many exciting things to come during our next 20 hours in charge. We are all looking forward to it!
(Quick shout out to Rio for keeping us company on watch. We’d be lost without you (literally).)
Captain Hoff Man (& Anais) out – !
Wind: E at 3 knots Weather: Fine Sea: Moderate (2-3m) Course: 015 Speed: 5 knots (motor-sailing).
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