Day 8 – Command Day by Dave and Dave

Hi All,Tonight’s Log entry is care of Dave (Junior), our Youth Crew Captain.The reigns were passed to the Youth Crew at 10:00am this morning. At this point the Staff Crew promptly enjoyed their new-found freedom. The Youth Crew then set about making and executing a plan of action for the next 24 hours. The goals identified included fun, safety and a full crew climb on the foremast. With a surprisingly small number of hiccups, this was successfully accomplished. The sailmaster (Michael) whipped the Jacks and Jills into action with his trademark bellow, but once the goals were achieved it was agreed he’s an alright fellow. The sight of an entire Crew on the yards shows just how far we’ve all come since first coming on board as lubbers.Our Navigation specialists (Jacob and Kate) had their work cut-out, with changing routes and inconsistent winds their planning has been outstanding. Our course is set for 3nm west of Figure of Eight Island from where we shall adjust course for the West Channel on our way to Woody Island. Our arrival is planned to be at 0830am tomorrow. Once we have anchored and vessel safety assured, a landing party of the Youth Crew will set upon the Island and explore the highest peak. The Crew have set a goal to do some whale watching so we need to get going. As the sun sets over Boxer Island, a rag-tag group of deck-hands on watch scramble up the foremast to cast loose the gaskets in anticipation of getting underway and sailing through the night. It’s now Captain Dave (Senior) – the Command Day has a number of challenges for the Youth Crew, including doing all the cooking (the best ever Aubergine with tomato, herbs and a little cheese – thanks Noemie, a great chocolate mouse – thanks Justine and fantastic pasta and noodles – thanks Jazz), the sailing and navigation (well done doing a proper brief and departure from a tight anchorage with all the right things in-place). Believe a few more pics have been posted so please enjoy and take care until Captain Dave (Junior) updates you tomorrow.Thanks, Dave (Senior) Voyage Captain and Dave (Junior) Youth Crew Captain
We find ourselves basking in yet another glorious WA afternoon of 19C, with winds around 12 knots blowing in from (117 Deg) the east-south-east. We expect the winds to come about to the south as the night wears on and possibly south-west through the early hours.
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