Captain's Log
31 July 2010

Day 7 Dunk Island

Ahoy there everyone, Overnight the ship continued to shape a course north at four knots through the Inner Great Barrier Reef, motor sailing due to the very light south easterly winds. Just before sunrise, as we were approaching the southern tip of Dunk Island, the wind freshened to 15 knots enabling two square sails (topgallant and topsail) to be set before wearing the ship and passing to west of Dunk Island.Morning brief was conducted, quickly followed by ���Happy Hour’ (cleaning stations) concentrating on all of the internal decks. I then conducted Captains Setting and Furling Drills, these drills are designed so that I can evaluate each Watch in their ability to safely set and furl sails without a staff Watch Leader in preparation for Command Day. I need to have confidence that everyone in our team can achieve the desired outcomes without compromising their own or the team’s safety. With these drills successfully completed and lunch safely tucked under our belts the ship conducted demonstrational tacks were each watch in turn stood on the bridge and watched the command and control aspects as the ship was tacked. These tacks consolidated the sail theory provided over the previous seven days.On completion of the last tack we shaped a course directly west for our planned overnight anchorage at Dunk Island arriving at 1440 and letting go the port anchor in Brammo Bay. With the ship safely at anchor the Youth Crew laid aloft and sea furled all sails prior to descending onto the deck for the challenging rope races round five. The activity was tightly contested so to cool off from the tropical sun the Young Endeavour pool was opened to allow the crew the opportunity to sample the delights of Brammo Bay including a rare dugong sighting. While Watch Officer Kenny stood by in the safety boat marvelling at the scenery, Engineer Josh cut a fine figure propelling himself around the ship on the rescue board until the pool closed. After a magnificent dinner by Chef Adrian I gathered the Youth Crew and briefed them on the impending Command Day which was immediately followed by the Youth Crew’s Command Team elections. Results now known, the ship will be in the capable hands of Youth Captain Kyh (Tim Tam) and his team as of 1300 tomorrow. So after a very busy day the Youth Crew has settled into their anchor watches for the night and hopefully will get a good nights rest in preparation for tomorrow’s commencement of Command Day.Our last seven days at sea had seen significant developments in the overall journey of our budding young adventurers. They as a team have progressed enormously as the voyage continues to gain momentum. Command Day looms with great anticipation for all.The intention is to remain at anchor overnight prior to weighing anchor after midday tomorrow for the adventure and challenge that is Command Day in Young Endeavour. Until tomorrow evening when we will hear from Youth Captain Kyh, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Damien


17° 55' South / 146° 8' East


Scattered Cloud, Temp 24 degrees, Wind SE 5 knots, Swell nil, Barometer 1019