Day 7 – At Anchor Broken Bay
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to day seven of our voyage. Due to a south westerly change the temperature plummeted overnight and it was an extremely cold morning that greeted the crew of Young Endeavour.
At 0800 we were located 5nm to the south east of Broken Bay sailing under a reduced sail plan in moderate to strong WSW winds. Prior to entering Broken Bay I conducted Captains Setting and Furling Drills. These drills are the final training activity prior to the commencement of Command Day and ensure that all watches can safely set and furl all sails.
On successful completion of this activity we conducted a short morning brief then handed in all sail prior to entering Broken Bay. Once inside the Bay we conducted our pilotage up to the scenic Cottage Point coming safely to anchor at 1150.
This afternoon we ferried everyone ashore to the small marina at Cottage Point where the
Watch Leaders conducted Mid Voyage Chats and whilst there boosted sales of soft drink, chocolate and coffee at the local marina café.
At 1615 with everyone safely back onboard we weighed anchor then transited the short distance down to Hallets Beach which was a more sheltered anchorage from the strong 30kt south westerly winds forecast for NSW coastal waters overnight.
This evening I conducted the Command Day Brief which was followed by Command Day elections. With these activities complete we screened the famous Tall Ship movie ‘Around Cape Horn’ and have now settled into anchor watches overnight ensuring that everyone will be well rested for Command Day.
Until tomorrow, take care.
Yours Aye
Captain Gav
Currently at anchor at Hallets Beach in Broken Bay and experiencing moderate WSW winds with nil swell.The current temperature is 13 degrees.