Captain's Log
7 January 2014

Day 5 – The Big Chill

Hi Everyone, Welcome to Day 5 of our voyage. It was an extremely cold morning that greeted the crew of Young Endeavour with temperatures plummeting along the Queensland Coast to 5 degrees (The Big Chill). By morning brief we were located 15nm east of the Gold Coast now motor sailing into a fresh southerly. Given our distance from the coast and the increasing south westerly swell we decided to tack and close the coast and try and achieve a more comfortable course. This strategy worked and just after lunch we altered course again to the south and in moderating conditions continued to make good speed along the Queensland Coast. During the day I completed my final two sail theory presentations to Red and Blue Watches and later this afternoon the Watch Leaders managed to sit down with their watches and complete ‘mid voyage chats’. These chats are used for us to gage how the Youth Crew are going and to see if there is anything that we can do to improve the voyage (regrettably we can’t improve the weather) Overnight the Youth Crew will complete the Watch Leaders Challenge (teambuilding, communication and initiative exercise) and continue to consolidate their navigation and sailing skills as we continue our passage south. The time is now 2000 and we are currently located 13nm to the east of Lennox Head still motor sailing into a moderate but cold southerly. In the past 4 days we have now travelled a total of distance 615.3nm and are still doing extremely well. The current forecast is for the southerly winds to continue to moderate during the next 24 hours and for the swell to drop down to 1-1.5m. Hopefully given these improved conditions we should finally have a comfortable night’s sleep.   Until tomorrow, take care. Yours Aye Captain Gav


28° 51' South / 153° 52' East


Currently experiencing moderate 10-15kt southerly winds with a 2m SW swell.Temperature is 10 degrees\r\nÂ