Day 5 – Sydney to Auckland STI Race

Ahoy there Shipmates,Overnight the Ship remained on a ESE course on the port tack on a beam reach with northerly winds which gradually abated to only just over 5 kts. With a northerly swell of about 2 m we rolled incessantly and uncomfortably. Maximum sail was set to increase speed and reduce the roll.The Ship went to tacking stations at 0815 to wear-ship in response to a wind shift to a SSW direction. The Ship ended-up on the starboard tack sailing almost on a beam reach, sailing as close to the wind as possible.Mid morning the wind picked up and with it came some heavy showers.We had a morning brief in the café, to get out of the rain. That was followed by the usual Happy Hour and then the watches got together for a mid-voyage chat about individual goals for the voyage. The placing results came in at 1200 and Young Endeavour was in 6th place ahead of the retired Picton Castle. The nearest Ship to us was the Lord Nelson 25 miles ahead.During the dogs the wind strengthened to 25 kts and boat speed increased to 10 kts. The hope is we will start to gain on the other ships between here and the first waypoint.Until tomorrow.Yours AyeCaptain Mike Youthie Blog:  14-10-13The past 48 hours from the perspective of the Mighty Whitey White WatchMorale is lifting as most are conquering their seasickness, Youthies and crew included. The record holder for most spewing sessions, below deck, on deck and aloft goes to the small but gutsy Kelly Destroyer with a grand total of 30. Hard to believe we know. With this lifting morale also comes an increased competitiveness both between individuals and watches. White Watch holds the current highest speed of 11.5 knots achieved on a night in high winds and huge rolling swell. Annika steering us bravely at the helm.‘Hectic’ was the word of the day: Storms have seen us on constant watch and on high alert. Sudden changes in the winds speed and direction led to a call of “All able hands on deck!†Sunday evening.67 knot gusts equalling 124km/h buffeted the ship in a time when most sails were set, the result being intense periods of sail furling and setting. The fore staysail has sustained some superficial damage near its clew (the bottom corner, for non sailors). The main staysail furling drum was caught at one point during this high wind drama. However the quick and able actions of the naval crew throughout this event and others during this voyage have ensured that no one has come to harm, bar some slides across the deck. We feel privileged to be sailing with such an able crew.Over the following 24 hours, the ship remained in tumultuous seas. With conditions of Sea state 6, force 9: ‘High waves, dense streaks of foam along the direction of the wind, crest of waves begin to topple, tumbling and roll over .’ Over the night, the ship continued to balance on crests of waves looking over a 2 storey drop down to the water below on both port and starboard sides.The impact of these winds and swell below deck was vast and entertaining, sliding around the galley were not only able bodied people, but also serving dishes full of food, plates, cups and their contents, and… the occasional fridge. GoPros caught much of the action, although the comedic slap stick was to be found in all areas of our fine vessel. We have the bruises to our body and our egos to prove it. Never has our Happy Hour been so appreciated as when Dani’s meal went slipping off her plate and, all class, she felt able to eat it straight off the counter.While the lee sheets (strips of material made to hold you in your bunk) were in use by some of our crew from very early on in our voyage, this storm has seen them come into a new age of appreciation for all. For without these, a good nights sleep within the confines of a bed would be impossible. As is, we are gaining and using muscles in our sleep we never knew we had.Since then, the wind and seas have continued to keep us busy with frequent watch changes and daily routines continuing with little disruption – this is the life of a sailor.The larger competition sees the Young Endeavour falling slightly behind however we remain hopeful that our Navi-guesser is steering us east… Cheers Rico! With the finish line approaching ever nearer the tactical decisions made early in the race, have positioned us to the south of the rest of the fleet, ready to take advantage of strong southerly winds which should continue to blow for three days. With this wind comes renewed hope for line honours.White Watch has been on duty for 12 of the past 24 hours with the birthday girl Hayley having the best birthday ever! Cake cooked by our fabulous chef Luke, along with birthday songs at all corners has made for a great day.Inspiration for the days to come for our Watch is found in our leader Sandy – not only is he a killer watch leader, but he is a ballerina aloft, with his strength and speed he is positively awe inspiring.In summary, all here is well. The laughter continues and there are many more jokes to be made before we reach our final destination.Yours aye, Annika, Will and Hayleyp.s. Hayley: Ahoi family! ïŠ I have had a great trip so far and was only sea sick for one day. I was nominated as assistant Sail Master on Sunday and have been having so much fun. My birthday has been really good – great setting, great company. Wishing you were here too. Today has been a birthday to remember! Don’t worry mum, all attempts to swim with the sharks have landed me splashed on my face back on deck… ill keep trying ;). I miss you all a lot and am looking forward to hugs when I get home. Be safe! I love you! Love you James – Love love love xxxAnnika: Just a quick note to the loved ones, I am safe and sound, happy as larry, and loving this new adventure. Cannot wait to get home and show you all the footage from this voyage, it is truly unbelievable!! Maybe not so much for you Dad 😉 Sea sickness definitely got hold of me for the first few days. Thank you for your hot tips prior to departure, keeping the wet stuff wet, and going to bed dry has been the best thus far! I have been trying to make you proud 🙂 Love to you Brock, See you in a 10 days. Love love Annika xxDani: Just a shout out to Mum and Chris, Hello and love you both!! xx  “Â
Wind: 205 / 25 kts, Weather: cloudy with passing showers, Swell: 2 m northerly, Temp: 15 deg. C
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Ahoy followers of our Young Endeavour journey! Command Day. We made it.
The beautiful weather at our anchor point at Jervis Bay made for a spectacular day under the command of our fellow Youth Crew! A morning stretch and some wise words from the Ship Crew gave Captain Waz and the team a step in the right direction.
With the new watches all set and ready to go, Captain’s Setting and Furling gave all our youthies the chance to prove their abilities on the high seas. Strong performances from all three watches; Sharkies, Chompers and Narwhals!!
Morning brief gave the Sailmaster a chance to give us the daily orders and help get everyone on the same page. With the staff crew getting ready for a holiday and giving us the ship, floral shirts and party music filled the deck and, with some final preparations, the ship was ours.
The Captain was given a small but very significant envelope that contained the essential, non-essential and completely optional tasks to be done over the course of the next 24 hours. 2 tacks were to be made at a minimum before leaving the bay and safety checks were the essential tasks to start our journey. However.
More amusing, optional tasks allowed some of our youthies to become part of the “Beach Assault Team” while others were put to the task of making a slideshow of the voyage, tying all the knots on the list, etc. These were some activities that bided the time for our incredible navigator - Ruscoe to set out a plan and work together with the Sailmaster - Hugh to create a sail plan.
Tacking stations were the focus for our late afternoon, preparing to weigh anchor and leave such a beautiful bay, for our last stretch of this incredible voyage.
Happy Birthday to the Capitan, Warwick, who turned 24 today! The wonderful MasterChef’s created a “cherry ripe” cake out of rice crispies, coconut, chocolate, and love. With a beautiful ceremony to end our day.
Sailing into the night leaves us the ability to see the lights from our destination. Sydney, here we come!
Wish us luck! From Nat and Tom!!

ARRRGH, ahoy there from the spectacular Jervis Bay! We’ve all been taken A-back by the crystal clear blue waters and snow white sands.
After a well deserved sleep in these sheltered waters which was a refreshing change to clinging to our bunk racks for dear life for the past few days, the ship rose to another banger of a morale tune “sung” by Blue Watch. Brekkie was fun after the early morning activity to get us all up and moving. We held another round of competitive not-competitive rope races which culminated in smashed eggs on deck and the mummification of said egg smashers.
Roast lamb for lunch was prepped by the staffies in the absence of our culinary wizard Steve. Once cleaned up, we took the RHIB’s across to Captains Beach bordering HMAS Creswell which was a mind-blowingly beautiful little spot. Pretty much everyone had a dip in the drink and a roll in the sand and played some creative beach games run by our Suitability legends, Speedy Sam and Eggs.
A few hours at the beach made everyone ready to head back home and attack a teak deck barbeque, devouring cheese platters, steaks, sangas, and salads. With our full stomachs, us youthies initiated the highly anticipated elections for our command day roles. Which will commence sometime around midday tomorrow. We held a vote for each available role that all willing youthies put themselves forward for.
The following roles were voted as follows: Captain – Warwick, Sailmaster – Hugh, Navigator – Ruscoe, Officer of the Watch – Dan, Watch Leader – Nick, Ben, Bridget, Master chef – Emily, Mackenzie, Alyshia
We were greeted after our elections by a low flying anti-submarine MH60-Romeo Helicopter which did a cool fly around our ship. *Thanks Squizz!!* And then watched an amazing film about the rounding of Cape Horn back in 1929 on a 7 story tall sail ship.
Signing off from our anchor watch, Ben and Giles.
“I believe that positive energy and optimism help us to take up any challenge in life and to succeed in even the most difficult tasks. I also believe that positive energy is contagious: We can transmit it to others”