Day 5 – Improved Conditions
Hi Everyone,Welcome to day 4 of our voyage. Overnight the conditions moderated and those of the new Crew that had been experiencing the dreaded Sailors Curse ‘seasickness’ have appeared to have made a remarkable recovery. Given this improved health Dion our highly energetic (some say Hypo) Sail Master has kept everyone busy. Rather than me explaining about our experiences today the new Crew have already volunteered to take on the responsibility of writing the Captains Log, so here is tonight’s entry written by Fliss, Bridge and Jeremy. Enjoy! Until tomorrow, take careYours AyeCaptain Gav  CAPTAINS LOG 20th FEBRUARY 2015Today started with a shake just after 5am for both Ronald and I as we were on master chef duties and had to join the Master of all chefs Double AA (AKA Aaron) in the Galley to prepare breakfast. With a pretty decent tilt, a rocking an a rolling and the odd run up on deck for some fresh air breakfast was served to the few that had their appetite or were brave! Ronalds sweet pancakes were the talk of the boat – no toppings needed.  I didn’t think I would ever see my self writing that I served breakfast to a bunch of really cool people on board a tall ship in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere off Brazil!!!  The day kicked off with an entertaining morning brief from Sandy of some nautical terminology, today’s terms being going a round the buoy (going for seconds) and double duffing (having two serves of desert) which Tennille hilariously demonstrated.  I thought Knuckle (Kenny) was going to start throwing water bottles at the ground as Blue watch got annihilated in the first set of rope races today. We all put our heads down and didn’t look him in the eye, lucky we have Loz as our watch leader she wasn’t as scary!!  Finally the winds are a bit more in our favour and we are heading North towards Cape Verde instead of East towards South Africa. Most of Blue watch are ending day light hours watching the sun set sitting on the lower top.  10 years ago I had the opportunity to sail on the Young Endeavour and at the time and up until now it has been one of the best experiences of my life. Now I am back on board and spending 46 days sailing across the Atlantic Ocean with a boat load of amazing people, life is pretty special right now.So I am off for now, I will hand you over to one of my amazing blue watch crew members,  See you for nowFlissP.S Hi Rene, Mum and Dad big brothers and big sis!! Happy Birthday Aiden!!Ahoy there! The day got better today with most of us seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to sea sickness. Some of us were seriously questioning why we got onboard in the first place, as Dion reassured us we are some of the luckiest young aussies on earth. Jezza got up to 15 spews yesterday, today none – Well done Jezza!!! Some of us got our turn hanging out on the bow sprit(front tip of boat), the second group getting drenched by a massive wave (Ronald, Amanda, Julie, Jezza) and the ocean also claimed Jezza’s croc (Ocean 1, Jezza 0). We got to see some flying fish shooting through the water, so swift but also elegant. We are now loving life on board the Young Endeavor. Til next time,Bridge and JeremyP.s. Hi mum and happy birthday sis,Pps. Love you big time Mama, Dad ,Bek, Nath, Mim (from Jezza xoxox)Ppps. Getting in there late, but big love Mumma Goose – Amanda      “Â
Currently experiencing moderate 10-15kt ENE winds with a 1m swell. Current temperature is a pleasant 23 degrees.