Day 3 – Some Challenging Conditions
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Day 2 of our voyage. As forecast the weather turned against us overnight and on entering the Southern Ocean we were greeted by a strong southeasterly headwind and a 2m confused swell which made the conditions both uncomfortable and challenging for our young mariners with most suffering from the ‘Sailors Curse’ (Seasickness) but all battled on. After a sleepless night we gave everyone a bit of a rest this morning then picked up the program with some sail work, rope races and a number of tacks to keep everyone busy. This hard work has paid off with us just reaching the sheltered waters of Robe where we will anchor overnight and give the Youth Crew a leg stretch on ‘Terra Firma’ tomorrow morning before continuing our passage east. That’s enough from me I will now handover to Manon and Chase fromWhite Watch who have done a wonderful job of writing tonight’s Log. Until tomorrow, take care. Captain Gav
Captains Log day 3
As Red Watch retired to their bunks, White Watch took up the helm from 1200 till 0400. It was already such a unique experience to explore the life of a sailor by day, but at night it was a whole new endeavour. As the Young Endeavour is not the biggest of its kind, the buffering waves gave us quite a ride, both in our bunks and out on deck. It was quite a process just too simply get out of bed, grab our harnesses and move from one side of the ship to the other without bashing from one object to another. On top deck, it was another challenge to try and navigate from one side of the ship to another whilst clinging on to something to prevent us from slipping overboard. The main task for the White Watch was to take turns learning about the Helm and navigating the sea. The others, recovering from bouts of sea sickness where in charge of looking out for floating debris and other objects that could possibly interfere with the engine; most of the time where simply questioning the life of a navy officer as they continue to share their wisdom with us. Before we could call it quits for our Watch, we had to gather what remained of our will power and strength to furl in the forestay sail which was placed at the bow of the ship; which is the more treacherous and rocky section of the ship. As one of the most challenging parts of our day, our team displayed great team work as we came together to help each other complete our assigned task.
Not before long the Blue Watch ascended from the hold of the endeavor to take the helm and sail to the brake of dawn. During our watch we spotted a great container ship out towards our starboard side which loomed out from the distance of the fog that encompassed us. We were regaled by the sea tales of Dazza who was our Staff Watch officer which he had gathered from his extensive time out on the great seas. During this time we found that our team grew closer as we supported each other on this great Endeavour.
As day brake descended the weather continued to harass the Endeavour as all watches worked together to hall-out the sails for the first time on our voyage. This presented a new challenge as we had to navigate the wind by tacking (changing direction of the sails) to catch the ever changing wind. Due to the harsh conditions of the sea and our lack of sea legs, today was a more of a relaxed day to reflect and support each other who were struggling to cope from the rocky sea. It was a time where we as a group, strengthened our endurance in which we can harness for the upcoming challenges.
Manon and Chase
PS. Ahoy, their mum! Thanks for the extra precautions on the sea sick pills. – Manon
Have just come to anchor at Robe and are currently experiencing moderate 10-15kt SE winds with nil swell. The temperature is a cool 16 degrees with a few passing showers.