Day 3 – Sea to Zoe Bay… back to sea

G’day friends and family,
Day three of the eleven days done and dusted. We all had a cracker of a cold morning travelling south down the coast. Last night everyone experienced their first watch, the first watch was with red group from 8pm-12am, the next group was white group and they were up from 12am-4am and finally blue was up at 4am-8am and the lucky ducks got to see a beautiful sunrise from up the mast. After another delicious breakfast served by the amazing chef Adam and few helpful Youthies we all headed up to the bridge for a morning brief, rather entertaining brief i must say from our guest Salty. Shortly after our Youthies had the pleasure of being taught the basics of navigation from the beautiful Jemma and Tori.
Our Youthies were instructed to wear the brightest of bright colours for floral Friday and after the navigation lesson they all bunched up to get a few group photos, this led us into Happy Hour, once again brought to us by our smiling Youthies. Excited and ready to rock and roll they scrubbed the ship up and down; awaiting the anchorage at Hinchinbrook Island after that they quickly chucked on their togs and prepared for a big exciting day on land. Group by group our Youthies were taken over by boat, then trekked through the bush for 1.5kms to be treated with a refreshing swim with a great view. After a few good hours of swimming our Youthies started their journey back to the Young Endeavour, after dinner and dessert on midships the Youthies climbed the mast again to enjoy another stunning sunset. Everyone then prepared for another night of broken sleep where they will once again carry out their duties whilst on watch.
Wishing you all well. Melika and Ben.
Wind: ENE @ 5. Temp: 23. Swell: Nil. Weather: Fine.
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