Captain's Log
V02/20 Hobart to Melbourne
19 January 2020

Day 2 – The Derwent, Storm Bay and Tasman Island.

Ahoy shipmates…welcome to Day 2. After a restful night at anchor we have had a busy day…passaging down the Derwent, across Storm Bay (not so stormy today) and through the passage between Tasman Island and mainland Tasmania. Along the way we completed first climbs, introduced the youth crew to our version of ‘happy hour’ (cleaning) and sail handling, and as I write are making our way up the south east Tassie coast enroute Wineglass Bay under a full press of sail (assisted by a motor). That about covers today’s proceedings…I’ll hand over to Jack and Alec for their version of events. Fair winds, Captain Kenny.———-
Captain’s Log Days 1 and 2: Hobart to Melbourne
Not many people can say they’ve sailed on the Young Endeavor. That one line comes up every so often. We are very lucky to have been accepted aboard and especially so on the trip across the strait. All of the youth crew beamed smiles and took photos as we first stepped on the brig, excitedly anticipating what was to come, and what was to come indeed, a crash course in setting and furling sails, cleaning and maintaining the ship, and of course the first bouts of sea sickness. At least half the youth crew had to lean over the side, some more than others. However, that’s the boating experience, it comes with its own pros and cons. From the spectacular view at the top of the mast during sunrise, to rushing towards the cramped bathrooms acting as coffin or just making it to the upper deck to feed the fish. The small things really made the first few days’ a real boating experience.
The second day was where it really set in, working our way out of the bay and up the coast in the rocky Tasman, most were at least queasy by the time we had reached the Tasman passage. The passage was awe inspiring, huge cliffs plunged into the frothy depths, and a colony of seals lazes away in the evening sun where the rock touched the water. Right then and there Jerome the sail master (second in command) voices on the intercoms “All watches muster to midships”. We knew something big was happening. All the youth crew quickly hurried to the center of the ship where everyone was gathering, it was there our task was revealed, setting the jib, the most difficult sail which would require all of our combined efforts to achieve. All of us there really had the air of a team, it was all coming together as each of us performed our roles and synchronized to finally hear the cry “Jib well!” We tied down the sheet, furling line, and lazy line and could truly appreciate our combined efforts. This was the last task performed before watches white and blue eagerly headed towards their well-deserved rest. However, the red watch still was made to stand by and watch over the boat.
Red watch however did still have a secret blessing, the watch 2000-0000 meant we would not have to wake during the night and could instead rise to the beautiful sunrise and take in the warmth of the day. And that is where our little story will end for now.
See you all in the next one!
Alec and Jack.


43 07s / 148 06e


Wind: E at 10 knots Weather: Overcast Sea: Mild Course: 033 Speed: 5 knots Location: South of Maria Island