Captain's Log
30 November 2013

Day 2 – Sydney Harbour to Sea

Hello Shipmates,Welcome to Day 2 of the voyage and the last day of Spring. Following a well deserved and much needed night’s rest the Youth Crew were woken at 0630 by Sail Master Sandy, who treated us to an ‘ice-breaker’ deck game to wake us up. After breakfast the Youthies experienced their first ceremony of ‘colours’ followed by the morning brief at which they met ‘Salty the sea-dog’ (Ian), whose job it is to explain the nautical origin of some expressions in common use in the English language. On completion of the brief it was straight into cleaning stations (this activity is known as our ‘Happy Hour’ and even has its own little song).The crew then progressed deck safety training to ensure our new crew members would have the necessary knowledge to carry out the basics of setting and furling Young Endeavour’s sails safely. The Ship was also visited by ‘Captain Safety’ (Dave’s alter-ego!) who gave a more detailed presentation on the items of safety equipment onboard. At 1100 the Ship moved anchorage to Rose Bay and went to lunch on arrival.Deck safety and setting and furling drills continued after lunch. The Ship weighed anchor at 1600 and departed the harbour, setting sails along the way. Once clear of the port limits we undertook some Tacking and Wearing-Ship practice to ensure all youth crew members knew their jobs at tacking stations. The weather was fine with a 12 knot SE breeze and a swell of 1.0 metres from the south. This meant the Ship was rolling a bit and a number of the youth crew suffered the effects of motion sickness. Needless to say attendance at dinner was fairly light!The intention is to spend the night at sea, anchoring in Broken Bay in the morning and remaining there until we need to depart to ensure we arrive at Newcastle at 0800 on Mon02 Dec to host a Special Olympics morning tea alongside the Queens Wharf.Until tomorrow,Yours AyeCaptain Mike “ 


33° 42' South / 151° 33' East


Weather: fine, Wind: 130 at 12 knots, Sea State: 3, Swell: 180 / 1.0 metres, Temp: 18 deg. C