Day 2 – Port Arthur and Tasman Island

Ahoy shipmates…well after a lumpy overnight transit we made it to Port Arthur early this morning…much to the relief of a number of the youth crew who were paid a visit by the green goblin (sea sickness) last night. Port Arthur is always an interesting and at times sobering visit, but well worth it. After a busy day, we departed at 1815 and as I write have just ‘shot the gap’ between Tasman Island and mainland Tasmania…seals aplenty! We are currently making our way north towards tomorrow’s destination…Wineglass and Coles Bay. That’s it from me…I’ll hand you over to Blue Watch. Fair winds, Captain Kenny——
Captain’s Log – Day 2
After making our way through forty miles of sea in the night, the Young Endeavour was anchored at sunrise at Tasmania’s infamous and eerie Port Arthur. The youth crew’s first experience of a sailor’s waterbed proved to be a new journey for everyone; with the excitement of dolphin sightings and the motion sickness of adjusting to a swaying home. We woke up at 0700 to a breakfast thanks to Daz from Tas and Chef Zac and prepared for our start to the day. Taking the ship’s rhib to the docks at the Port Arthur Historical Site, we took this visit as an opportunity to learn the history of the land we were exploring. Our guide Bryn shared with us the incredible stories of convict settlement and the harsh nature of colonial life. Many stories like James Lynch’s – convicted at 9yo for the theft of toys – left the group feeling shocked and also immensely grateful for the world we live in today, and the lives we are lucky to lead. After touring the sites both on land and by boat, the crew returned to the Young Endeavour for the next activity of the day. Climbing the 30 metre mast! Although initially intimidating and exciting, this gave us all a chance to step beyond our comfort zones and learn more about life on the boat. Every single one of the twenty four person youth crew made it all the way to the top! Supporting each other on the way up and down we all achieved something new and something to be proud of. Feeling pretty chuffed, the delicious dinner of salmon and pepper steak pies was a well-deserved treat. After our meal we worked on the deck to brace the yards hard to port and prepare for the sail to Wineglass Bay. The views of a rocky cliff face were awesome and the nearby seals seemed to agree. Ella and Courtney send.
Wind: E at 11kts Weather: Overcast Swell: SW at 1.5m Course: 028 Speed: 6kts Location: SE corner of Tasmania
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