Day 2 – Fitzroy Island to Sea…and Rain!

Ahoy shipmates and welcome to a soggy day 2. As I type we are making our way south toward Zoe Bay, Hinchinbrook Island, and the beautiful Zoe Falls (weather permitting), planning to arrive around 0700 tomorrow morning. It’s been a busy day, as described by the girls below. After the final watch made it up the mast this morning, we are pretty pleased with their efforts. Not everyone made it to the top, but there were some wholehearted efforts…and a few tears! Suffice to say all are settling in well and eager for the adventures that lie ahead…me too! Until tomorrow, fair winds, Captain Kenny (Cap K).———-
Captain’s Log Day 2 – Red Watch: Ahoy landlubbers…youthies Steph and Isla here, reporting from a rather wet last dog watch (6-8pm) in some uber fashionable wet weather overalls. 0630 was wakey wakey – up for a delightful morning PJs stroll around the deck to the beautiful views and sun of Fitzroy Island! Another tasty meal from Zac (you da man) had us ready to go for some safety briefings on deck. Red watch finally had our go at climbing aloft. Steph here – I went first and absolutely loved it. Isla here – let’s just say it was a mixed bag but I’m glad I did it. After lunch we weighed anchor and set off on our current course towards Hinchinbrook Island. We had our first crack at setting sails as some rain decided to arrive. Highlight was definitely tacking the boat – it was all hands on deck for the jib. Quickly learnt the importance of “2, 6, heave”-ing together. Shout out to the YEYS for some great looking and very useful sailing gloves. First night at sea and we have youthies Jonah and Keeley at the helm, so hopefully they steer us in the right direction! For all the parents out there wondering, so far no serious cases of seasickness, touch wood…lucky for us the ship is made of the stuff…(not really). Signing off now – about to get our 8 hours (luxury!) before our next watch at 4am – which we are excited about because…sunrise! Isla here – hello to Mum, Dad, Siobhan and Aith and my friends in the Berra! Have met some wonderful people and Aith you were right about the food – it’s awesome. Steph here – Hi Mom and Dad, so here I am finalllllllly sailing! I love it. To my dearest brother, I love you but I will never take packing advice from you again. Red watch OUT!
Wind: S at 10 knots Weather: Passing showers Sea: Calm Course: 163 Speed: 5 knots Location: Just north of Mourilyan.
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