Day 10 Half Day Sail

VOYAGE 13/10 DAY 10 MONDAY 03 AUGUST 2010Ahoy there everyone, A well deserved nights rest at anchor was had by all. I think everyone onboard slept very soundly and for good reason, most were exhausted from Command Day, but that didn’t stop us from conducting our usual Early Morning Activity on the upper decks to the beat of Sail Master Taffy’s tune.Then it was straight into weighing anchor departing the northern lee of Fitzroy Island and made best speed under engines to Cairns were we berthed alongside Cairns Naval Base at 1000. Once safely alongside we embarked our half day sail guest who included Queensland Labor Senator Jan McLucas, IEP Yarrabah, Freshwater Christian College, Peace Lutheran College, Steppin out 2010 and a Channel 7 news team.Once welcomes were complete the ship departed the wharf at 1110 and proceeded out of the port of Cairns and set all for and aft sails and the topsail in fresh conditions. This enabled the guests to observe the newly acquired skills of the Youth Crew. A great day was experienced by all including the Channel 7 news team who broadcast a three minute story on the local news tonight. The ship returned alongside Cairns Naval Base at 1400 and after a closing address by Senator McLucas and myself the half day sail guests were farewelled. After a short break we then lay aloft to put harbour furls on all of the square sails. On completion of these furls we sailed from our berth and proceeded to Trinity Inlet were we moored to a buoy for our last night together on Young Endeavour. We then rolled into the final ���teak deck BBQ’. The evening was rounded out with a slide show up on deck capturing various moments and experiences during the voyage. This gave everyone the opportunity to reflect on the past 11 days and their amazing once in a life time journey. This culminated with a traditional dance from Thomas and Adea supported by the remainder of the Youth Crew. The rest of the evening was spent with the Youth Crew completing end of voyage questionnaires and ���letters to themselves��, which are returned to each Youth Crew member six months after voyage completion. At 1000 tomorrow, Young Endeavour will slip from her mooring buoy, transit the short distance with her yards fully manned, full of all our accomplished young adventurers. Berthing once again at Cairns Naval Base in front of a large group of family and friends. Following a brief ceremony we will say our final farewell to the Youth Crew of Voyage 13/10. It has been a magnificent journey and one not to be forgotten.This completes the thirteenth voyage of Young Endeavour’s 2010 program. The ship will remain in Cairns until Saturday 7th August when it will embark a new Youth Crew for Voyage 14-10, Cairns to Townsville. It has been an honour and privilege to sail with the Defence Indigenous Development Program ��� Navy Youth Crew and Staff Crew. Until next voyage, take care.Yours AyeCaptain Damien
Scattered Cloud, Wind SE 5 knots, Swell Nil, Temperature 19 degrees, Barometer 1016 hpa
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