Day 10 – Final Night of Voyage

Hi Everyone,
Welcome to day 10 of our voyage, It was another clear but bitterly cold morning that greeted our Youth Crew at anchor this morning. Given this cold weather Matt the Sail Master decided to cancel our Early Morning Activity and let everyone enjoy a warm shower instead.
Following breakfast and a quick morning brief the anchor was weighed and we transited the short distance into Newcastle Harbour berthing at Queens Pier at 0830. Once alongside we off loaded 10 days of garbage then cleaned ship in preparation for our Half Day Sail Guests.
At 0930 we welcomed 17 students from the Dunedoo Central School undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh program and a large number of other invited guests from the Newcastle area onboard. Following my official welcome to our guest’s and Taffy’s safety brief, lines were cast off and we headed out into Newcastle Harbour where we set squares and sailed downwind out of the harbour and into Stockton Bight where we enjoyed a very pleasant sail.
During this period the Youth Crew acted as perfect hosts giving ship tours and telling our guests all about their experiences throughout the voyage. At 1215 we tacked ship then proceed back to our berth at Queens Wharf where we farewelled our guests.
This afternoon whilst still alongside the Youth Crew proceeded ashore with their respective Watch Leaders for end of voyage talks then on their return participated in their final round of rope races prior to proceeding aloft to complete harbour furls (very neat furls). Once completed, we departed our berth and returned to our anchorage just outside of the Newcastle Breakwater.
This evening we enjoyed a fantastic dinner cooked by Marcos our celebrity chef for this evening. Once clean up from dinner we all got rugged up then mustered up on deck to watch a slide show that the Youth Crew had put together which captured various moments and experiences during the voyage. This slide show has become a popular part of the Young Endeavour Program and gives the Youth Crew an opportunity to reflect on the past 10 days and their amazing experiences throughout the voyage.
The rest of this evening has been spent with the Youth Crew completing end of voyage questionnaires and “letters to themselvesâ€, which are returned to each Youth Crew member six months after voyage completion. Whilst the Youth Crew were completing these final administration tasks the Staff Crew took the opportunity to conduct our normal end of voyage debrief.
Tomorrow morning we hope to start our final day with an early morning climb so that we can witness what I am sure will be a spectacular sunrise from the mast of Young Endeavour. Following breakfast and morning brief the anchor will be weighed and once the Youth Crew have manned the yards we will proceed alongside berthing for the final time for this voyage at Newcastle’s Queens Wharf at 1000.
Once alongside family and friends will be invited onboard for a tour of the ship and to witness my final address and the presentation of Certificates of Achievement to all of the Youth Crew. Following this presentation we will say our final emotional farewell to the Youth Crew of Voyage 07/16 as they depart the ship.
On a personal note, I would like to thank all of the Youth Crew of Voyage 07/16 for the effort that you have put in throughout this voyage and wish you all the very best for the future.
Young Endeavour will now have a short break in Newcastle before embarking our next Youth Crew on Friday 03rd June and sailing for Brisbane, which will be the second voyage of our 2016 Circumnavigation of Australia.
Until Next Voyage, take care.
Yours Aye
Captain Gav
Currently at anchor just to the north of the Newcastle Breakwater and experiencing light WSW winds with a .5m SE swell. The current temperature is a cool 11 degrees.
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