Day 1 – Athol Bay, Sydney

Ahoy Shipmates…we’re back! After a successful maintenance and training period Young Endeavour (and her staff crew) are rested and in fine fettle…ready for more adventures at sea. Today at 1400 (trialling an earlier start) we embarked 27 intrepid young adventurers at Fleet Base East in fine and sunny conditions. As the youth crew were stowing their bags, their friends and families took the opportunity to have a quick look over the ship. Once all youth crew had embarked and their gear secured, we all gathered at midships and I gave the formal welcome, introduced the staff crew (see below), and outlined a rough Voyage program…weather dependent. At 1450 we cast off and with the youth crew waving farewell (for 10 days at least) we made our way out of Woolloomooloo and over to our overnight anchorage in Athol Bay, adjacent to Taronga Zoo. We love this spot as it affords us spectacular views of the Sydney city skyline at night, as well as the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. As an added bonus the youth crew can listen to the sounds of the animals in the zoo as they conduct first night climbs. Once we were safely at anchor the youth crew conducted ice breakers, ship’s tours and Sailmaster Guv and I gave our respective briefs…challenging the youth crew to seize the day and leave Young Endeavour at voyage end with no regrets or missed opportunities. We were then treated to a delicious evening meal from Chef Marcus…there goes the waistline! With full bellies we gathered on deck for the harness and safety aloft briefs, on completion of which the watch leaders spudded off to determine climbing order, and we began the first challenge of the voyage…laying aloft! As I write red watch have begun climbing…it is a perfect night for it…calm and still! While they climb the other two watches will conduct an intro to deck safety and line handling, as well as complete their full value contracts, documenting what they hope to get out of the voyage, their hopes…and fears! Once everyone one has climbed (or at least attempted to) it will be off to bed in preparation for what always proves to be a busy day two. I’ll leave it there for now, other than to introduce the staffies for this trip. Until tomorrow…fair winds…Captain Kenny.
Voyage 5/19 Staff Crew: Captain – Kenny, Sailmaster – Guv, Navigator – Harry, Watch Officer – Tracey White Watch Leader – Jerome, Red Watch Leader – Morgan, Blue Watch Leader – Karly, Engineer – Reggie, Assistant Engineer – Horto, Chef – Marcus.
Wind: SSE at 5 kts Weather: Fine Sea: Calm Location: At anchor Athol Bay, Sydney.
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