Day 1 – Alongside Bulimba
Ahoy there, Welcome to the Captains log for voyage 16/12. The Staff Crew for this voyage consists of: Captain Mike Sail Master Rick Navigator Tim Watch Officer Kristie Red Watch Leader Shane White Watch Leader Dougie Blue Watch Leader Michelle Chef Squiz Engineer Mick Assistant White WL DaveIt was with great pleasure that Rico opened the gangway at 1450 and invited the eagerly waiting Youth Crew of Voyage 16 of 2012, and some of their families and friends onboard the Young Endeavour alongside at Bulimba Barracks in Brisbane. Once all the luggage had been stowed below decks, Rico welcomed everyone onboard and gave me the opportunity to say a few words about the Ship and then introduce the remainder of the Staff Crew. It was then time for farewells to families and friends. Once they had departed the gangway was closed and it was time for a safety brief, a couple of quick ‘Ice Breaker’ activities so the Watch members could get to know each other, followed by a detailed Ship’s Tour. At 1730 we stopped to enjoy Squizy’s first culinary masterpiece and I took the opportunity to help out in the galley with the serving of dinner. Afterwards we all gathered together the and I explained the various phases of the Voyage, discussed the motto of the Ship (Carpe Diem), what it means and encouraged everyone to make the best of their time onboard, taking on new challenges and having a go at everything. Rico then spoke on routines and rules onboard which led into the briefing on climbing. Everyone was briefed on climbing onboard, fitted with their Fall Arrest harnesses and then spent the next few hours gaining practical experience climbing to the Topgallant Yard. This activity was very well conducted with all Youth Crew giving it a good go. Those who didn’t quite get to the Topgallant will have the opportunity to progress this over the next few days. The climb concluded at midnight after which everyone turned in for some well needed rest, in preparation for an early start tomorrow. Yours aye, Captain Mike
As the evening progressed the wind dropped but do did the temperature. By midnight it was a chilly 14 degrees!